IT Resellers
Looking to resell PixAlert, Patrick, PCI or our porn detection technologies to your clients?
We can provide a dedicated portal so you can manage all your clients directly.
If you wish we can provide 1st line support to your clients also.
Do you want us to manage your clients directly? NO problem at all. We will work within your business structure and help find the right fit for you and your clients
Corporates & Government Bodies
Do you or your business wish to work directly with PixAlert. That is no problem many of our governmental and corporate clients come direct.
We can work with your inhouse team.
We also provide a range of outsourced services where we can manage your GDPR requests, data classification, porn searches and much more
Please just contact us below and we will talk you through your options.
GDPR, PCI and FOI Consultants
Do you specialise in 1 of these areas and are looking for software tools to help both you and your clients?
Would you like to whitelable Patrick or one of our other products?
We provide a revenue share model or outright purchase options to fit with your business model.